Ric is a useless castrated boring wimp. He sucks. Big time. Ric used to be dark, sexy, complicated, tormented, mysterious, crazy, confident, slick & smart. He was interesting. He played Sonny, Jason, Carly & Courtney like puppets. I was so sure he'd be the one to finally bring down Sonny.
Now Ric has turned into a dull, light & funny character. A purse holding idiot. A babysitter. A tree hunting moron. Gotta love it? Hell no. Do the writers know he's Ric Lansing? Do they know he's not Ric Davis? Poor Rick stuck with this yttihs material.
Where's Ric Lansing? Damn it, gimme pills and champagne! Lies! Pillows! Panic room! Shirtless Ric sexing up his wife on the living room couch! And where's Ric gun? Ric use to have a gun. A big shiny gun The man knew how to kcoc and aim. Shot Faith in the shoulder. Could have shot her in the heart if he wanted too. Where are Ric's cajones??? What happened to Ric? Alexis happened. The soul sucking witch. The one who ruines all the men she touches.
Di said Ric was like Ned Flanders.
I think it's worse than that. Ric has turned into... SMITHERS! And Alexis is Monty Burns!!! Cold, selfish, heartless, asexual, frigid, cruel, hypocrite, souless, rotten and vengeful. I'll be nice and won't discuss the other similarity between the character (it's taboo).
"Smitters, folow me". "Shut up Smithers". "Smithers, do as I say". "Smithers, release the hounds". "Ric, hold my purse".
Can't you just imagine Alexis saying:"Excellent"?!

Only a miracle can save Ric. God help us all. Thank you & Good night.
P.S. Fry in hell Alexis.