Dear Nancy,
no deep plunging V-Neck will distract the viewers from you jaw. What the hell happened to the low part of your face? Your upper lip doesn't move anymore. The jaw line is full of lumps and weird lines. Are those scars from bottox injections?
I love Luke and Robert. "I know a great place to stash the body"! LOL!
Poor Natalia, stuck hearing Mo repeat his lines about the mob life, Deke, etc. Soily is profoundly disturbing and boring.
I don't understand Jax. He wanted a child of his own, not adopted. He wanted so bad to have a child with his genes, he got a surrogate mother to carry his baby. Why did he rig 2 paternity tests and wants to keep a baby who's not even his? What Jax is doing to Nikolas is as bad as what Carly/Jason/Sonny did to AJ.
Nikolas threw away Courtney's huge diamond ring next to baby Jaz three. I hope Liz will find the ring, sell it and keep the cash.
I wonder who will inherit Courtney's money. Mike?
Sonny:"I know how important a father is to a son". Sure. Tell it to AJ.
I know the writers are throwing us all the Alexis/Sam scenes to build angst but Alexis is one tacky person. Can't you wait a day or two to go put flowers on Danny's grave? As for the hospital scene after Danny's death, just say you're sorry to Sam. Don't blah blah blah about hoping one day you'll forgive me crap. Shut up and leave. It's the polite thing to do.
I remember a time during the Sexis vs Carson war when Alexis fans made fun of Carly because Leticia was raising Micheal. One word: Viola. And now Jax wants a nanny too. Is Liz he only parent in PC raising her child?
Rick Hearst is by far the best actor on this show after Tony. I don't know how Rick manages to say his lines to NLG without choking. "Alexis, don't feel guilty about giving up your baby". What??? Do the writers remember Ric Lansing has deep abandonment issues? His mommy left him after giving birth. Ric is fawk up because of it.
TPTB couldn't even let Ron Hale say a moving speech at Courtney's funeral. They made Mike choke and of course Sonny got all the attention again.
Carly:"Women are threatened by me". Bwaaaahahahahaha! Still LOL over this one.
About Nikolas making an a$$ of himself at Courtney's funeral. Skipper was a lying, killing, cheating whore. While you're pointing fingers at everyone for not liking her, remember when you covered up drunk Gia's car accident with Courtney? Remember when you let Skipper take the fall?
RIP Dr.Tony Jones.
I heart Dr.Noah Drake.
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