Listen up white trash whore,
RIC DID NOT ASSAULT YOU. Stop playing the sorry victim act. And get that knife away from Ric!

Same for you Centerpiece. You're a stupid town slut. Ric should have left you for dead in the Panic Room.

Get your hands off Ric you little midget mobster! Gawd I wish Ric and Lo would team up and get rid of Sonny. It can't be that hard to do.

I see the drab 4 are back in full force. They replaced kung fu skipper with gangsta biatch Sam. Acting all smug, nose in the air, like they're better than everyone else. Bloody modda fawking a$$holes. I hate them. Dark times ahead for Ric fans. Like things couldn't be any worse for Ric!
Stop crying you awful monster. You got the mother you deserve.
Yeah, I'd cry too if the little whore was my dotter.
Ric:"You're still alive?? Sh*t!"
Dr.Lee:"Now that I've looked at your vagina, wanna go at Jake's and do tequila shots?"

Best scene of September! Sniff sniff. Becky is good.
Lucky, when did you become such an intolerant Pro-Life supporter?
Jason gave his salty nuts to Sam but he gave his hugs to Elizabeth.
Ric:"Go into the light Alexis. Just go into the light"...
Oh wow! This is too funny! You have a great mind! I'll bookmark this and come back for more cause you have great talent!
omg. you're too funny! i love becky and think she's an amazing actress and i hate how they're using rhearst like a tool. he deserves so much better than what gh is supplying!
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