No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
But I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song

What was the cringe worthy moment of the shotgun wedding? Liz's vows to Lucky? No. Lucky's speach about love and his family with the new baby that isn't his? No. This was the moment for me: Jason congratulating Lucky and shaking his hand.
I know Elizabeth's lies are far worse than a hand shake. But still, you don't shake hands with the guy who's wife you slept with. I don't like Lucky anymore but the hand shake made me scream! Dude, you slept with his wife! She's having your baby! A hand shake is a symbol of trust. All I could think of was:"Congrats Lucky. BTW, I fcuked your wife. I fcuked her real good. All night long. On the floor, on the couch, on Brenda's bed and Lord knows where in PH2. She loved it".
Some days I love Spinelli, other days I believe he's the most annoying character since Jar Jar Binks. During the wedding he had a few hilarous lines:
Spinelli: Greetings. Uh -- hey, you must be the blond one's granny. May I be so bold as to say your D.M.V. Records do not do you justice?
Spinelli: Um, first, can -- do -- do you like my suit? Jason: No.
Spinelli: Excuse me, I have some giant prawns to attend to.
What was Maxie doing at LnL2's wedding? She doesn't even love Lucky anymore. The paternity results might not have been switched by Maxie but I'm starting to believe she replaced Jason's swab sample with one she took of Lucky while he was passed out drunk.
In general I just hated this plot point wedding. These lines say it all:
Jason: I want this to be over as fast as possible.
Luke: Something's off.
Tracy: How can you tell? The wedding just started.
Luke: Look at lulu's face.
Guza hates Alexis. He hates her. First Dobson and the fake split personality. Then Ric cheating on her not once but twice. Now this.

I can't say I blame him. I hate her too.
Jason, wash you hair and get a haircut (not like Alexis). I prefer when he had his hair down. Softer, less greasy:
1 comment:
I love your blog, it's lulz. Even if a lot of it is at Lucky's expense (I likes 'im), and there's way too much Jason for my taste (even if it's mock).
Jason's hair always sucks, by the way. It's just that he's blonde and he has those dreamy (read: beady) eyes so no one notices.
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