Like father, like son.

"Who do I want?" wonders the sleeping loser. "Naked bimbo or my wife?"
You couldn’t save Elizabeth from Manny. You couldn’t save Jake from Maureen. Your dazed and confused sperms couldn’t impregnate Elizabeth, even with a day lead over Jason.
I hope Diane will BBQ you in court.
I didn't renew my subscription at SZ. For the last few months, I kept wondering: If I unsubscrib, will I get a refound? Anyway, I don't have to worry about my $12 anymore.
Tony Geary watching GH... I feel your pain.
Liz:"Does my poofy hair take the attention away from my new boobs"?
Father of the Godfather Dude! We've got matching shirts!!!
Jax:"Alexis, this is Kate. She's stuck up just like you. Kate, this is my ex-wife Alexis. She slept with Sonny."
Kate: "Nice gray suit" [only not].
Alexis: "Thanks."
Kate: [Carly ain't so bad afterall]
And GH's wardrobe department strikes again! Like mother, like daughter!
Jax, as I explained before, just because I scream "Sonny" when we have sex doesn't mean you're not the love of my life. Capiche?
The truth needed to come out months ago but now I can't take it anymore. It needs to be revealed NOW. Lucky deserves to know so he can drown a bottle of pills with vodka and shoot himself in the head.
"Yeah, how much did you love Alexis when you were moaning in my arms?"
ROTFLMAO!!! I love Ric.
A scheming Ric makes a secret "deposit" into a "bank"
LOL! This rumor is funnier than hell but I hope it's not tue. As much as Sam deserves to end up pregnant by someone she hates, Ric doesn't deserve to share a child and be stuck with Sam forever. It's bad enough he's stuck with queen frigid. No deposit for Ric.
Enough about sperm.
For one of the rare time in Elizabeth's life, someone put her first. Ric got her a ring. A really nice one too. Bling bling.
LiRic... were hungry for each other. They wanted one another. Ric screwed up but he loved Elizabeth so hard. He adored her. And she loved him back. He still loves her. And I have hope someday they'll find their way back.
I'm not saying Elizabeth hasn't been happy since then. She had 2 kids. Got married to Lucky twice. Still, I haven't seen her as happy as she was during her 1st wedding.
Oh, and as for Ric's happiest moment? May 22nd 2003. Yes, he was happy when Molly was born, but not blissful like 4 years ago.
I'm flying to Germany next week.
What was the cringe worthy moment of the shotgun wedding? Liz's vows to Lucky? No. Lucky's speach about love and his family with the new baby that isn't his? No. This was the moment for me: Jason congratulating Lucky and shaking his hand.
I know Elizabeth's lies are far worse than a hand shake. But still, you don't shake hands with the guy who's wife you slept with. I don't like Lucky anymore but the hand shake made me scream! Dude, you slept with his wife! She's having your baby! A hand shake is a symbol of trust. All I could think of was:"Congrats Lucky. BTW, I fcuked your wife. I fcuked her real good. All night long. On the floor, on the couch, on Brenda's bed and Lord knows where in PH2. She loved it".
Some days I love Spinelli, other days I believe he's the most annoying character since Jar Jar Binks. During the wedding he had a few hilarous lines:
Spinelli: Greetings. Uh -- hey, you must be the blond one's granny. May I be so bold as to say your D.M.V. Records do not do you justice?
Spinelli: Um, first, can -- do -- do you like my suit? Jason: No.
Spinelli: Excuse me, I have some giant prawns to attend to.
What was Maxie doing at LnL2's wedding? She doesn't even love Lucky anymore. The paternity results might not have been switched by Maxie but I'm starting to believe she replaced Jason's swab sample with one she took of Lucky while he was passed out drunk.
In general I just hated this plot point wedding. These lines say it all:
Jason: I want this to be over as fast as possible.
Luke: Something's off.
Tracy: How can you tell? The wedding just started.
Luke: Look at lulu's face.
Guza hates Alexis. He hates her. First Dobson and the fake split personality. Then Ric cheating on her not once but twice. Now this.
I can't say I blame him. I hate her too.
Jason, wash you hair and get a haircut (not like Alexis). I prefer when he had his hair down. Softer, less greasy:
Ahhhhhhhhh! so cute!
Teach your kid how to load a gun and shoot to kill with the educational DVD "My first hit".
Mob = good. Cops = evil. It's all explained in the book "Cop and Spy Shooting" co-written with Bob Guza.
(LOL! The Baby Einstein logo has the same haircut as Jason!!!)
Stay tuned for the Hitman Kid clothing collection: jeans, t-shirts and leather jackets!
Between Jax & Sonny, Carly chose herself!
Say it ain't so!
The most selfish woman in PC chose herself! Unbelievable! Only not.
It's official, Lulu has turned into a mini-Carly. Guys fighting for her. Judgmental. Sluty.
Now, I'm not saying Jason & Liz should keep on lying. They should both spill the truth. Liz should have told the truth MONTHS ago. What annoys me is Lulu being judgmental and a hypocrite. She make s me side with Jason!
Lulu: You know what? I actually thought there was a chance that Elizabeth had lied to you, too. I told myself, "ok, ok, maybe he had a moment of weakness, and -- and maybe Elizabeth felt justified because Lucky and Maxie were sleeping together," which is a total crock because Lucky was practically fed pills. Elizabeth is just a selfish bitch if she thinks using this --
Jason: Lulu, stop, come on.
Lulu: What, are you going to defend the lying hypocrite who made my brother crawl to get back with her?
Jason: No, Lucky cheated on Elizabeth for months. And when she tried to leave Lucky, he threw her to the floor. You know that? And a couple weeks after that, he tried to frame me for drug possession and nearly shot Elizabeth.
Lulu: Ok, yeah, Lucky was on drugs.
Jason: And, what, that excuses everything he did? We don't have choices? I mean, if I chose to swallow a handful of pills right now and throw you on the ground and fire a gun at your head, that's ok?
Lulu: Are you trying to say that Lucky deserves this, because he changed his life for that baby.
Jason: You're right, he did change his life. But he wouldn't go into rehab for Elizabeth or for Cam. How do you think that made her feel? So now all of a sudden he changes his life for this kid who he thinks is his, and how is Elizabeth supposed to tell him that the baby is mine at this point?
Jason said what I've been saying for months. Being on drugs isn't an excuse. If you drink n' drive and kill someone, being drunk isn't an excuse. Also, Lucky didn't go to rehab for Liz or Cam, only for the baby. He also threw her to the ground and fired a gun at her. I can't take anymore LnL2.
Lulu: You don't lie to the people that you love.
Jason: You did.
Burn! LOL!
Lulu: I just -- Jason, I thought you were better than this -- sleeping with a married woman. And, yeah, ok, Lucky was on drugs and he was cheating with Maxie, and I don't think it excuses Elizabeth, but it explains a lot, but what about you? Why'd you do it? And how long were you and Elizabeth sneaking behind Lucky's back?
What??? It doesn't excuse Elizabeth?? So Elizabeth should have just waited for Lucky & Maxie to be done and changed the bedsheets? Fawk! Lulu, when your husband cheats on you in your own bed, all bets are off.
I'm glad Ric is spending time with is daughter. Yes Alexis fans, it's Ric's daughter too. He has the right to have custody. At least shared custody...
It's a bullet proof bjorn carrier. Oh yeah.
More Baby Morgan accessories coming soon.
The day after Alan dies, Elizabeth asks Jason to give up his child. Alan's body was still warm. Jason lost his estranged father and his child in 2 days.
I can't believe my girl did that. And for what or should I say for who? Lucky.
Lucky, the guy who cheated on Liz with a barely legal Maxie. The man who was high as a kite 24/7 and lied about it. The man who destroyed their marriage. I can't stand LnL2. Since JY. As much as I love Greg, I loath Lucky. He's not worth all the lies Liz has told to everyone around her. He's not worth the cover up. He's not worth asking another man to give up his own flesh and blood. He's not worth the stress. Elizabeth, just tell the truth. If Lucky self destruct, so be it.
Yes, I blame Lucky for Elizabeth screwed up behavior. He started it all. I don't even blame Maxie. She didn't shove the pills down his throat or rape Lucky. She's a little biatch who faked a pregnancy but she's not responsible for this debacle.
What's worse? Jason said yes. Dumba$$. You could have ended the lies. He's a hypocrite as much as Liz is in this s/l. Unfortunately, he won't pay for his lies, only Elizabeth will. In the end, the entire town will turn against Liz while Jason's halo keeps on shining.
If Rick's character is doing poorly in focus group, if Ric Lansing dies, I blame Alexis. Yes, I blame a fictional character for this mess.
Some men on the show have done as worse as Ric (Sonny & Lucky for exemple). Yet, they're still liked by many fans. What's the difference? The women they date. Alexis just can't do no wrong. Alexis must decide everything. Alexis must have sole custody of her kids. Any man going against Aleixs is evil. Sonny, Ned, Ric. Helena should have killed the monster a long time ago.
While Alexis fans cheer "Yeah! A new man for Alexis!", I say "Sh*t. Another man to be destroyed by the soul sucking beast". I don't wish any male character to be paired with the stuck up cold frigid biacth. I wouldn't wish Alexis to cancer. Poor cancer.
Alexis is the character I hate the most on the show. NLG's overacting doesn't help. The vast majority of her fans annoy me too.
If anything bad happens to Ric, I blame Alexis.
Ric Lansing went from 'sex on a stick' to the plague of PC because of Alexis. Get him away from her before it's too late.