Monday, April 09, 2007

A SPOILER driving me nuts

Do not read if you are spoiler free.

It's rumored that after giving birth, Liz slips into a coma. There are 2 points I'd like to mention regarding this spumor:

1) I wasn't that far off when I said Liz would die during childbirth. Somehow, I pictured Liz giving birth in some remote place (kidnapped by Lo?) with Jason arriving just in time to help. Then, she loses too much blood and loses consciousness (not a coma). In the happy ending version of my intuition, Liz was rushed to the hospital and woke up the next day. They all lived happily ever after except for Lucky & Sam. In the grim version, Liz died leaving Jason and Sam to raise her child, which brings me to my second point:

2) While Liz is in a coma, if Sam gets her sluty hands on Liz's baby, Sam will need to DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!

Die. Die. Die.


That's all.

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