Saturday, February 17, 2007

Le Swoop!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE like a crazy fangurl!!!
Le Swoop was swoon worthy!
Whether you're a LL2 fan, a LiRic fan, a Liason fan or not even a Liz fan, you've got to admit Le Swoop was exciting. This Becky Fangurl was thrilled!

Ok, maybe if you're a LL2 fan it sucks because you were hoping Lucky would save the girl. Hey, at least Lucky saved Alan.

GH just won itself an Emmy with the last 5 minutes of the Feb 16th episode. The show sucks for most the year, then they pull off a great episode during sweeps and they get their Emmy. The last time I watched GH without FFwd most of the show was during the virus s/l last year. So far, this year sweeps has been must see tv. Was Mac on every day?? The entire cast was on. And they were all interacting. Not too many slow moments. I wish Scotty was on more. Even characters who usually annoy me were watchable (Spinelli, Sam, Lulu). I loved when Max and Mateo killed one of the masked men (number 2? 4?). It took me by surprise. Emily gained some points. Sonny too. The Qs were great. Dillon is still a moron.

The part that made me cry:
Elizabeth: "I remember the first time the doctor handed me Cameron. He was so tiny. But even then, he looked like his dad -- that's why I named him after Zander -- after his dad."

I still don't understand why everyone blames Skye. She's not the one holding hostages at MetroCourt. I wish Ric had a more heroic role during sweeps. The whole town hates Ric and Skye. Maybe if I can't get LiRic, I'll get Risky?

"At this point, they've had so many heart-to-hearts that he just wants to jump off a bridge," cracks SB (Steve Burton). "He's just going to jump. It doesn't matter. No one needs to go with him, he'll volunteer."
LOL!!! I want to bomb the bridge! Please, no more liason heart-to-hearts to repeat the same conversation they've been having for the past 4 months. Oy! Enough already. Move forward with the s/l.

About Stuart Damon:
Rebecca Herbst: "It's very sad, and I'm not afraid to say I don't understand why and I do not agree with it at all. This does hurt. I've only been here 10 years, he's been here almost 30, and that's really hard to swallow."

Ouch! Liz will so die during childbirth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omgosh! Don't say that! The only Liz is dying is if she suddenly has a moment of epiphany and comes back.